
Angela Prysthon

Angela Prysthon holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in Literary Theory from Pernambuco Federal University. She received her PhD from Nottingham University, UK. She is a professor at UFPE. She works at the Graduate Program in Communication and for the Bachelor in Cinema and Audiovisual of the same university. She leads the research group on "Contemporary Images". She has been a CNPq researcher since 2006. She is the author of Cosmopolitismos Periféricos (2002), Utopias da frivolidade (2014) and Retratos das Margens – Do terceiro cinema ao cinema periférico (2022). She was president of SOCINE (Brazilian Society for Cinema and Audiovisual Studies) in the biennium 2017-2019 and vice-president of COMPÓS (National Association of Graduate Programs in Communication) in the biennium 2005-2007. She regularly publishes articles and chapters on film and audio-visual and cultural studies.