
Activities developed between June 1st, 2023 and November 30th, 2023 (4th semester of the project):


November 30th, 2023

Os 100 Melhores Planos – 100 Autores, 100 Planos

[The 100 Best Shots in Film – 100 Authors, 100 Shots]

Book chapters published by:

Ana Catarina Pereira, “Olmo e a Gaivota (2015), Petra Costa e Lea Glob: A gestação refletida ao espelho” [Olmo and the Seagull (2015), Petra Costa and Lea Glob: Pregnancy reflected in the mirror]

Ana Isabel Soares, “Jacquot de Nantes (1991), Agnès Varda”

Patrícia Nogueira, “As Praias de Agnès/Les Plages d’Agnès (2008), Agnès Varda: Reflexões sobre um plano” [Agnes’ Beaches (2008): Reflections on a plan]

Semana da Ciencia e Tecnologia2

November 21st, 2023

UBI Meeting – Science and Innovation 2023 (Science and Technology Week)

Oral presentation by Ana Catarina Pereira, under the title “Speculum: the post-research about autobiographical documentary directed by women, on Portugal and Brazil”.


November 17th, 2023

Diálogos Magazine

Publication of scientific article by Anna Clara Petracca with the title: “As Fronteiras da Escrita de Si no Cinema de Mulheres: uma análise do filme Nobody (2023), de Marcela Jacobina” [The Frontiers of Self-Writing in Women’s Film: an analysis of the movie Nobody (2023), by Marcela Jacobina.]


November 15th, 2023

IBÉRICAS 6 – Relatar con Imágenes (diálogo luso-hispano en torno a la imagen contemporánea) [IBÉRICAS 6 – Reporting with Images (Portuguese-Hispanic dialogue around contemporary images) – Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid]

Oral presentation by Ana Isabel Soares, under the title “Speculum: Um olhar para dentro e uma pesquisa que se prolonga para além do tempo” [Speculum: A look inside and a research that spans beyond time itself]


October 27th, 2023

Publication of a paper by Priscila Lima Freitas, Julia Gabriella Nogueira Munhoz, and Pedro
Pinto de Oliveira with the title “Art and feminism: the writing of the self in autobiographical

October 25th, 2023

FEMME Sessions #70 – PORTO FEMME – International Film Festival

Presentation of the films FotogrÁfrica [PhotogrAFRICA] (2016), Name of Baptism – Alice (2017) and Name of Baptism – Francis (2019), with the presence of director Tila Chitunda.

The conversation with the director was moderated by Catarina Sales Oliveira.


October 18th, 2023

11th International Film in Perspective Seminar | Unespar

Thematic table “Writings by Women Filmmakers” with an oral presentation by:

Ana Catarina Pereira, titled “Autobiographical writing in theories about cinema: the Speculum project”.


September 9th, 2023

Visible Evidence XXIX | Visible Evidence was organized in partnership with FilmForum 2023 – XXX International Film and Media Studies Conference

Oral presentation by Patrícia Nogueira, under the title “Reimagining the Black Atlantic Route: Transgressive Images in Tila Chitunda’s Autobiographical Documentaries”


July 28th, 2023

AVANCA | CINEMA 2023 - International Film Conference - Art, Technology, Communication
Oral presentation by Ana Catarina Pereira, with the title "Filming like those who return home: the place of the autobiographical documentary in cinema in Portuguese"
Oral presentation by Ana Isabel Soares, with the title "Hymn of filial love, mirror of a woman"
Oral presentation by Daniel Oliveira Silva, with the title “Re-subjecting cinema: Linn da Quebrada and the queer act of creation in Tranny Fag”
Oral presentation by Julia Fernandes Marques, with the title "The experience of displacement in self-writing as an in-between-space in the documentaries 'Aos Meus Pais' [To My Parents], by Melanie Pereira, and Name of Baptism – Alice', by Tila Chitunda"

June 9th, 2023

Se filmer et se regarder dans le miroir: l'usage de l'écriture de soi par des documentaristes femmes en langue portugaise [“Filming yourself and Seeing yourself in the Mirror: the use of self-writing by Portuguese-speaking documentary filmmakers”] (Sorbonne University)
Oral presentation by Ana Catarina Pereira, under the title “Speculum: a génese de um projecto centrado na autobiografia filmada” (Speculum: the genesis of a project centered on filmed autobiography)
Oral presentation by Ana Isabel Soares, under the title “Hymne d’amour: Espelho de um amor filial” (Hymne d'amour: Mirror of a filial love)
Oral presentation by Eduardo Paz Barroso, under the title “Merecer a vida – Matriarcado e autobiografia num documentário de Margarida Leitão” (Deserve life - Matriarchy and autobiography in a documentary by Margarida Leitão)

June 3rd, 2023

Oral presentation by Fátima Chinita, under the title “Renewed Identities: Myself as Another in Self-reflexive Subjective Films”

June 2nd, 2023

XII Meeting of the Association of Moving Image Researchers (AIM :: Association of Moving Image Researchers)
Presentation of the short film Bairros Alegres, directed by Ana Isabel Soares in the workshop “Fixar memórias: o documentário enquanto processo de escrita do eu” [Fixing memories: the documentary as a process of writing the self] (October 2021)

Oral presentation by Patrícia Nogueira, under the title “Caleidoscópios: o uso de arquivos familiares em documentários autobiográficos realizados por mulheres” (Kaleidoscopes: the use of family archives in autobiographical documentaries made by women)
Oral presentation by Daniel Oliveira Silva, under the title “O ato de criação queer como autofabulação e resistência no cinema luso-brasileiro contemporâneo” (The queer act of creation as self-fabulation and resistance in contemporary Luso-Brazilian film)

Activities developed between December 1st, 2022 and May 31st, 2023 (3rd semester of the project):


May 24th, 2023

I International Seminar on Gender Narratives in Cinema (Cinema and Social Narratives Graduate Program, Federal University of Sergipe)
Oral presentation of a thesis project, under the title: Desde Aquele Dia que Deixei de Ser Tua: O Roteiro Cinematográfico de Autorrepresentação como cuidado de si (From the Day I Stopped Being Yours: The Cinematographic Script of Self-Representation as Caring for Oneself)

May 19th, 2023

iArtes – Journey of Arts Research 2023 (Faculty of Arts and Letters, University of Beira Interior)
Oral presentation by Daniel Oliveira, under the title “Balada das trans-tornadas: o ato de criação queer em Bixa Travesty” (Party of the deranged: the queer act of creation in Tranny Fag)

May 10th, 2023

XVI of Portuguese-speaking Film Journeys (Faculty of Arts and Letters, University of Beira Interior)
Thematic tables with oral communications by:
Ana Catarina Pereira, with the title “Biografia de um projeto centrado na autobiografia” (Biography of a project centered on autobiography)
Ana Isabel Soares, with the title “‘Hymne d’amour’: Espelho de um amor filial” (“Hymne d’amour”: Mirror of a filial love)
Anna Petracca, with the title “Identidade e memória no cinema de Paula Gaitán” (Identity and memory in Paula Gaitán’s film)
Danielle Parfentieff de Noronha, with the title “Entre o privado e o público: reflexões sobre o cinema documental autobiográfico de Heloisa Passos” (Between the private and the public: reflections on Heloisa Passos’ autobiographical documentary film)
Daniel Oliveira, with the title “O Ato de Criação Queer como autofabulação e resistência no cinema luso-brasileiro contemporâneo” (The Queer Act of Creation as self-fabulation and resistance in contemporary Luso-Brazilian film)
Fátima Chinita, with the title “A Metamorfose do Eu: Autoficção e Intermedialidade em ‘A Metamorfose dos Pássaros'” (2020)” (The Metamorphosis of the Self: Self-fiction and Intermediality in “The Metamorphosis of the Birds” (2020))


Julia Fernandes Marques, with the title “A deslocação como ferramenta na elaboração da escrita de si: O cinema autobiográfico de Tila Chitunda” (Displacement as a tool in the elaboration of self-writing: Tila Chitunda’s autobiographical film)

Sílvia Wichan, with the title “Cruzando fronteiras entre a vida e o lar: os conflitos migratórios em ‘Aos meus pais’, de Melanie Pereira” (Crossing borders between life and home: migratory conflicts in “To my parents”, by Melanie Pereira)


April 27th, 2023

Autobiography and Life Stories (Faculty of Human and Social Sciences of the University of Algarve)
Participation of Cláudia Clemente in the curricular unit taught by Carina Infante do Carmo in the Psychology course. Conversation about the exhibition Playing with Myself, hosted at the Library of the University of Algarve, and about techniques of autobiographical representation.

April 26th, 2023

I International Seminar on Gender Narratives in Cinema (Cinema and Social Narratives Graduate Program, Federal University of Sergipe)
Oral presentation by Ana Catarina Pereira, under the title “Speculum: Filmar-se e Ver-se ao Espelho: O uso da escrita de si por documentaristas de língua portuguesa” (FCT) (Speculum: Filming and looking at oneself in the mirror: the use of self-writing by Portuguese-speaking documentary filmmakers) (FCT) 

April 6th, 2023

XII Portuguese Congress of Sociology (Portuguese Association of Sociology)

Oral presentation by Catarina Sales, Ana Catarina Pereira and Julia Marques, under the title “SPECULUM: A autobiografia de Tila Chitunda como etnografia de memórias e diásporas” (SPECULUM: Tila Chitunda’s autobiography as an ethnography of memories and diasporas)


March 1st, 2023

Oral presentation by Julia Marques, Ana Catarina Pereira and Daniel Oliveira Silva, under the title “Ditadura Militar e Guerra Fria na primeira pessoa: As esferas pública e privada nos filmes ‘Diário de uma busca’ e ‘Marighella’” (Military Dictatorship and the Cold War in the first person: The public and private spheres in movies “Diary of a search” and “Marighella”)
Novo Projeto

February 24th, 2023

Society and Development: social, artistic and cultural interfaces of the female condition today (Society and Development Interdisciplinary Graduate Program at the State University of Paraná/Campo Mourão campus, Brazil)

Publication of a book chapter by Ana Catarina Pereira, Ana Isabel Soares and Caterina Cucinotta with the title “Deixa-me ser eu: A poética da desobediência materializada em corpos, rostos e objetos” (Let me be me: The poetics of disobedience materialized in bodies, faces and objects)


January 20th, 2023

Aniki: Portuguese Journal of the Moving Image, published by the Portuguese Association of Researchers of the Moving Image (AIM)


Publication of the scientific article by Julia Marques and Danielle de Noronha entitled “Considerações para uma Cinematografia de Mulheres: Uma análise do filme À Luz Delas (2019), de Nina Tedesco e Luana Farias“ (Considerations towards a Cinematography of Women: An analysis of the film À Luz Delas (2019), by Nina Tedesco and Luana Farias)
Anaisdo Cinemagem

January 8th, 2023

Publication of the full essay by Ana Catarina Pereira, Ana Isabel Soares and Caterina Cucinotta, entitled “Deixa-me Ser Eu: A autorrepresentação e a interpelação em forma de documentário” (Let me be me: Self- representation and interpellation in documentary form)

December 31st, 2022

Interações Journal: Society and New Modernity, published by Miguel Torga Instituto Superior (ISMT)

Publication of the scientific article by Julia Marques and Ana Catarina Pereira, entitled "Desde Aquele Dia em Que Deixei de Ser Tua: O roteiro cinematográfico de autorrepresentação como processo de cura" (Since the day when I stopped being yours: The self-representation cinematographic script as a healing process)

Activities developed between June 1st, 2021 and November 30th, 2022 (2nd semester of the project):


September 12th – 17th, 2022

PortoFemme International Film Festival (Porto)

Julia Marques’s participation as a pre-selection jury in the women's film festival, SPECULUM partner


August 10th, 2022

XXVIII Visible Evidence Conference (Gdansk, Poland)

Oral communication by Patrícia Nogueira, with the title "A Camera of One's Own: home movies in Women's autobiographical documentaries as a transgression strategy".


June 23rd, 2022

II Encontro Cinemagem (UNESPAR, Paraná State University, Brazil, online participation)

Oral communication by Ana Catarina Pereira, Ana Isabel Soares and Caterina Cucinotta, with the title: “Deixa-me Ser Eu: A poética da desobediência materializada em corpos, rostos e objetos” (Let Me Be Me: The disobedience poetics materialized in bodies, faces and objects)

Activities developed between November 1st, 2021, until May 31st, 2022 (1st semester of the project):


May 20th, 2022

Seminar Media Art and Documentary Film: Poetics (Human and Social Sciences Faculty, Algarve University)

Debate panel with Caterina Cucinotta and António Costa Valente, moderated by Jesús Ramé López, on the theme "A Poética dos Materiais” (The Poetics of Materials).

Debate panel with Ana Isabel Soares and Alfonso Palazón Meseguer, moderated by Juan José Domínguez López, on the theme “A Poética do Documentário Autobiográfico” (The Poetics of Autobiographical Documentary).


May 20th, 2022

I*A / Jornadas de Arts Investigation 2022 (Arts and Letters Faculty, Beira Interior University)

Oral communication by Julia Marques about her doctoral research, with the title “Desde Aquele Dia Em Que Deixei De Ser Tua” (Since The Day when I was No Longer Yours), in the context of autobiographical women's cinema


May 12th, 2022

PhD Examination at the Arts and Letters Faculty (Beira Interior University)

Defense of the Anna Clara Petracca’s doctoral thesis, with the title “A Subversão da Identidade Através da Autorrepresentação na Videoarte de Mulheres” (The Subversion of Identity Through Self-Representation in Women's Video Art), under the supervision of Ana Catarina Pereira and co-supervision of Ana Isabel Soares, and Approved with Distinction.


February 25th, 2022

XVI CIAC Conference, thematic session dedicated to practical research in arts and communication (Human and Social Sciences Faculty, Algarve University)

Oral communication by Ana Isabel Soares with “Apresentação do projeto SPECULUM” (Presentation of the SPECULUM project)


December 21st, 2021

"O Dia Mais Curto" (“The Shortest Day” at the Portuguese Institute for Sport and Youth of the Algarve and Cineclube de Faro)

Presentation of the short film Bairros Alegres, directed by Ana Isabel Soares in the workshop "Recording memories: the documentary as a process of writing the self" (October 2021)


December 12th, 2021

UTOPIA Festival (Filmville – UK Portuguese Film Festival), at Lusófona University, Lisbon

Presentation in competition of Ana Isabel Soares's short film Bairros Alegres, created during the workshop "Recording memories: the documentary as a process of writing the self" (October 2021)


November 12th , 2021

Forum Annuale delle Studiose di Cinema e Audiovisivi, FAScinA 2021, “Sentieri selvaggi: Cinema e Women's Studies in Italia” (Sassari University, Italy)

Oral communication by Caterina Cucinotta at Experienze Painel

Activities developed between March 2021 (date of application submission) until November 1 st , 2021 (formal start of the project):


October 25th – 29th, 2021

XXIV SOCINE (Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos de Cinema e Audiovisual) Challenge the gravity: uncertainties, transits and directions for falls (Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing – São Paulo, Brazil)

Oral communication (Remote modality, synchronous, São Paulo, online) by Ana Catarina Pereira, with the title “"Leonor Teles: O autorretrato de uma jovem cineasta portuguesa" (Leonor Teles: The self-portrait of a young Portuguese filmmaker)

Artboard 1

October 22nd – 23rd, 2021

Jornadas sobre imagen y mujer en España y Portugal, Cine en el Ámbito Ibérico: Género a foco (Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain)

Oral communication by Ana Isabel Soares (in presence) and Ana Catarina Pereira (online) with the title "Vou contar-vos uma história, a minha história: Filme autobiográfico e mulheres" (I will tell you a story, my story: autobiographical film and women)


October 1st – 3rd, 2021

IV edition of Porto Femme International Film Festival (Porto)

Dynamization of the workshop "Recording memories: the documentary as a process of writing the self" (9 hours) by Patrícia Nogueira. The participants created 10 short films, under the guidance of the researcher and team member.

Artboard 1

October 1st – 3rd, 2021

IV edition of Porto Femme International Film Festival (Porto)

Participation of Ana Isabel Soares in the workshop "Recording memories: the documentary as a process of writing the self", dynamized by Patrícia Nogueira.

Creation of the short film Bairros Alegres.


June 30th, 2021

Master's Degree dissertation at the Arts and Letters Faculty (Beira Interior University))

Defense of the master’s dissertation by Daniel Oliveira Silva, with the title Queers que criam: Modos de r/existência no cinema de Andrew Haigh, Céline Sciamma e Dee Rees (Queers who create: Modes of r/existence in the cinema of Andrew Haigh, Céline Sciamma and Dee Rees), under the supervision of Ana Catarina Pereira. Approved with a final grade of 19/20.